标题:美国语文第五册 第14期:唱歌课 听力内容: A nightingale made a mistake; 一只夜莺,露了丑, She sang a few notes out of tune: 刚开口唱歌,就跑了调, Her heart was ready to break, 它的心儿,就要碎了, And she hid away from the moon. 连忙赶紧,躲开月亮。 She wrung her claws, poor thing, 不小心还扭了脚,这可怜家伙, But was far too proud to weep; 是否太过骄傲,大哭一场, She tucked her head under her wing, 反正,它将头蜷缩翼翅下, And pretended to be asleep. 装模作样地睡着了。 A lark, arm in arm with a thrush, 云雀和画眉,肩并肩, Came sauntering up to the place; 蹒跚走过来,查看究竟, The nightingale felt herself blush, 夜莺捂住,羞红的脸, Though feathers hid her face; 虽然羽毛遮住,心中胆怯, She knew they had heard her song, 它知道,鸟儿听见自己歌唱, She felt them snicker and sneer; 叽喳嘲笑,犹如芒刺, She thought that life was too long, 它讨厌憎恨,时光漫长, And wished she could skip a year. 一年眨眼过去,该有多棒! "O nightingale!" cooed a dove; “哦,夜莺”,一只鸽子咕咕叫, O nightingale! what's the use? 有什么大事不得了? You bird of beauty and love, 你那么漂亮,又可爱, Why behave like a goose? 何必,像那些粗鄙家鹅? Don't sulk away from our sight, 别躲在旮旯里,生闷气, Like a common, contemptible fowl; 也不要小鸡肚肠,没度量, You bird of joy and delight, 你应该,开心更快乐, Why behave like an owl? 为什么,不学学猫头鹰? Only think of all you have done; 只要想一想,你所做的, Only think of all you can do; 再思忖看看,你能做的, A false note is really fun, 唱错了调,无关紧要, From such a bird as you! 权当有趣,一笑别过。 Lift up your proud little crest, 耸起你,那骄傲鸟冠, Open your musical beak; 打开你,美丽的喙角, Other birds have to do their best, 鸟儿们,竭力帮助你, You need only to speak! 不妨,亮开歌喉再唱歌。 The nightingale shyly took her head from under her wing, 夜莺,羞愧地,从翼翅里,抬起头, And, giving the dove a look, 感激中,看了鸽子一眼, Straightway began to sing. 蓦然间,亮开嗓门, There was never a bird could pass; 鸟儿,纷纷飞来驻足, The night was divinely calm; 夜晚,霎时庄严静穆, And the people stood on the grass 草地上,人群安静伫立, To hear that wonderful psalm. 聆听那,质朴无华的圣歌。 The nightingale did not care, 夜莺,不再害怕, She only sang to the skies; 它的歌声,渐次上扬回旋, Her song ascended there, 它的目光,悠然攀升, And there she fixed her eyes. 伴随着,响彻入云骄傲, The people that stood below, 歌声拂过,娴静无边夜色。 She knew but little about; 夜莺,或许茫然不知, And this tale has a moral, I know, 这篇故事,包含人生箴言, If you'll try and find it out. 只要尝试,奇迹不难发现。 ************更多资料请访问听力课堂(www.tingclass.net)************