标题:美国语文第五册 第18期:请别多管闲事(04) 听力内容: Rufus Wilson was next introduced into the room and left to himself; 随后,鲁弗斯.威尔森被吩咐走进房间。 but he had not been there ten minutes before he began to move from one place to another. 不到十分钟,他就开始在房间里转悠开了。 He was of a bold, resolute temper, but not overburdened with principle; 他胆子很大,性格果敢,对诚信的原则问题似乎不太介意, for if he could have opened every cupboard, closet, and drawer in the house, without being found out, he would have done it directly. 如果不被发现的话,或许房间内每扇橱柜、壁柜甚至抽屉皆能被他逐一打开,无须任何踌躇或犹豫。 Having looked around the room, he noticed a drawer to the table, and made up his mind to peep therein. 四周看看,鲁弗斯看到了桌子抽屉,他一心想知道里面装有什么。 But no sooner did he lay hold of the drawer knob than he set a large bell ringing, which was concealed under the table. 不料他刚刚捏住抽屉把手,旋即铃声大作,原来那响铃竟隐蔽地装在桌下。 The old gentleman immediately answered the summons, and entered the room. 听到铃声,老人迅速走进房间。 Rufus was so startled by the sudden ringing of the bell, that all his impudence could not support him. 鲁弗斯被突如其来的铃声完全弄懵了,他的所有鲁莽无法自圆其说。 He looked as though anyone might knock him down with a feather. 他看起来那么不堪一击,似乎一根羽毛也能将其击倒。 The old gentleman asked him if he had rung the bell because he wanted anything. 老人问他是否需要什么才揿动响铃, Rufus was much confused,and stammered, and tried to excuse himself, but all to no purpose, for it did not prevent him from being ordered off the premises. 尴尬的鲁弗斯结结巴巴,不知所措,张口还想辩解什么,却又莫衷一是,理由愈发站不住脚,最终还是没能逃脱被要求离开的结局。 George Jones was then shown into the room by an old steward; 乔治.琼斯由一位老管家领进房间, and being of a cautious disposition, he touched nothing, but only looked at the things about him. 他生性谨慎小心,不敢触动屋内任何物品,只用眼光横扫室内一圈。 At last he saw that a closet door was a little open, 最后,他发现一扇壁橱的门露出些许缝隙, and, thinking it would be impossible for anyone to know that he had opened it a little more, 他想,如果自己将那门稍微开大些, he very cautiously opened it an inch farther, looking down at the bottom of the door, that it might not catch against anything and make a noise. 亦断然不会为人察觉。于是他看了看门底,确信不会挂住什么,发出声音,然后小心翼翼地将门打开一点缝隙。 ************更多资料请访问听力课堂(www.tingclass.net)************