标题:美国语文第五册 第200期:遗产(01) 听力内容: The rich man's son inherits lands, 富家子弟,继承了土地, And piles of brick, and stone, and gold, 成片房舍,还有大把金钱, And he inherits soft white hands, 以及,那双苍白无力的手, And tender flesh that fears the cold, 弱不禁风,耐抵严寒, Nor dares to wear a garment old; 生性娇嫩,不愿穿粗布旧衫, A heritage, it seems to me, 遗产,对我来说, One scarce would wish to hold in fee. 弱者,希望永远拥有他的所有。 The rich man's son inherits cares; 富家子弟,继承了忧虑, The bank may break, the factory burn, 或许,银行破产工厂倒闭, A breath may burst his bubble shares, 泡沫股票,转瞬消失, And soft white hands could hardly earn 双手无力,很难养活自己, A living that would serve his turn; 任何生者,难逃自己的责任义务, A heritage, it seems to me, 遗产,似乎对我来说, One scarce would wish to hold in fee. 弱者,希望永远拥有他的所有。 The rich man's son inherits wants, 富家子弟,继承奢侈欲望, His stomach craves for dainty fare; 山珍海味,贪图生活靡丽, With sated heart, he hears the pants 酒醉饭饱后,或许瞥见, Of toiling hinds with brown arms bare! 黝黑的农民,汗珠摔成八瓣, And wearies in his easy-chair; 裸露在烈日下,拼死劳累, A heritage, it seems to me, 遗产,似乎对我来说, One scarce would wish to hold in fee. 弱者,希望永远拥有他的所有。 What doth the poor man's son inherit? 穷人子弟,继承什么? Stout muscles and a sinewy heart, 强健的肌肉,意志坚定, A hardy frame, a hardier spirit; 结实的骨骼,神情如一, King of two hands, he does his part 依靠双手,开创自己天地, In every useful toil and art; 有所担当,留下坚实脚印; A heritage, it seems to me, 遗产,似乎对我来说, A king might wish to hold in fee. 强者,希望永远拥有他的所有。 What doth the poor man's son inherit? 穷人子弟,继承什么? Wishes o'erjoyed with humble things, 怀感恩之情,面对卑微万物, A rank adjudged by toil-won merit, 不懈奋斗,决心改变厄运, Content that from employment springs, 知足常乐,自身不断完善, A heart that in his labor sings; 在劳动中,寻求幸福旋律, ************更多资料请访问听力课堂(www.tingclass.net)************