标题:美国语文第五册 第30期:下雪了(02) 听力内容: "It snows!" cries the Belle, "Dear, how lucky!" and turns from her mirror to watch the flakes fall, “下雪了!”美女惊叹,“天呀,实在太美了!”她从镜中转身,她从镜中转身,窗外雪花飘落, Like the first rose of summer, her dimpled cheek burns! 宛若夏季第一朵玫瑰,她的脸上浮出笑意酒窝。 While musing on sleigh ride and ball: 恍惚中雪橇飞奔, There are visions of conquests, of splendor, and mirth, floating over each drear winter's day; 还有豪华盛装舞会,红男绿女,欢歌浅笑,烟水繁华,柔情似水,打发那绵延不断的忧郁冬日。 But the tintings of Hope, on this storm-beaten earth, will melt like the snowflakes away. 历尽风雨沧桑,希望之星黯淡,是否像那雪花融尽,倏忽不知所踪? Turn, then thee to Heaven, fair maiden, for bliss; that world has a pure fount ne'er opened in this. 不妨祈求上帝还有圣母赐予祝福!那才是未曾开启的醇美清泉。 "It snows!" cries the Widow, "O God!" and her sighs have stifled the voice of her prayer; “下雪了!”寡妇哀叹,“哦,我的上帝!”她的叹息声声盖过了她的祷告。 Its burden ye'll read in her tear-swollen eyes, on her cheek sunk with fasting and care. 从她泪水浸泡的眼里,可以听见心在慢慢撕裂;她颧骨下陷,象征饥馑悲哀的呼号。 This night, and her fatherless ask her for bread. 在这个雪花飘落的冬夜,失去父亲的孩子向她伸手祈求面包。 But "He gives the young ravens their food," And she trusts till her dark hearth adds horror to dread, and she lays on her last chip of wood. “万能的主,请哺食那些幼小寒鸦。”她仍然怀有希望,直到冰冷的壁炉落满恐惧,或者绝望,直到她将最后一片细柴投进炉腔。 Poor sufferer! that sorrow thy God only knows; This a most bitter lot to be poor when it snows. 悲哀的母亲!唯独上帝才能洞悉你的苦难,雪花降临,那是穷人难以迈过的道道鬼门关。 ************更多资料请访问听力课堂(www.tingclass.net)************