标题:美国语文第五册 第313期:论烤猪(04) 听力内容: The ears of Ho-ti tingled with horror. 霍逖耳朵嗡嗡刺响,心中恐惧顿生, He cursed his son, and he cursed himself that he should ever have a son that should eat burnt pig. 他骂骂咧咧地诅咒儿子,也责骂自己生了这么不争气的儿子,竟然敢吃烤焦的小猪。 Bo-bo, whose scent was wonderfully sharpened since morning, soon raked out another pig, 从早上开始,此时波波的嗅觉已是灵异过人,哗啦一声,居然又从火堆中摸扒出一只小猪, and, fairly rending it asunder, thrust the lesser half by main force into the fists of Ho-ti, 他猛地撕扯开,将小半份烤猪硬是塞到老爸的手中, still shouting out, “Eat, eat, eat the burnt pig, father! only taste! Oh!” 还一边大声叫唤,“快吃,快吃,看看这烤焦的小猪,老爸,你先尝尝!我的妈呀!太好吃了。” with such like barbarous ejaculations, cramming all the while as if he would choke. 波波粗鄙地兴奋喊叫,乐不可支地大嚼大咽,一时竟噎得说不出话来。 Ho-ti trembled in every joint while he grasped the abominable thing, 霍逖怒气中烧,全身关节咯蹦作响,手里还端着一大坨烤猪, wavering whether he should not put his son to death for an unnatural young monster, 看着这个伤天害理的怪物,他犹豫是否将儿子弄死; when the crackling scorching his fingers, as it had done his son's, 炙热的烤猪突然烫到了他的手,如同当时儿子的手被灼疼一模一样, and applying the same remedy to them, he in his turn tasted some of its flavor, 他也照旧用嘴吹了吹,因此顺理成章地品咂到焦脆美味的乳猪; which, make what sour mouths he would for a pretense, proved not altogether displeasing to him. 他装模作样地撇撇嘴,看起来不以为然,其实内心完全不是那回事, In conclusion (for the manuscript here is a little tedious), both father and son fairly sat down to the mess, 末了(手抄本此处描述真有点冗长乏味),老爸和儿子在废墟前安然坐好, and never left off till they had dispatched all that remained of the litter. 拉开架势饕餮一餐,直到将那窝猪崽风卷残云扫荡精光。 Bo-bo was strictly enjoined not to let the secret escape, 波波得到父亲授意,万万不可对他人吐露半点风声, for the neighbors would certainly have stoned them for a couple of abominable wretches, 否则,父子两人将会视为卑鄙的邪恶之徒,死在左邻右舍的乱石棍棒之下; who could think of improving upon the good meat which God had sent them. 因为,在邻居们眼中,他们竟然随意改变上帝赏赐人类的血腥食物。 Nevertheless strange stories got about. 然而,流言蜚语却在不胫而走。 ************更多资料请访问听力课堂(www.tingclass.net)************