标题:美国语文第五册 第05期:风铃草 听力内容: There is a story I have heard, 我听说,一只鸟的故事, A poet learned it of a bird, 传说久远,诗人辗转获悉, And kept its music every word, 他记下,鸟儿啁啾的过去; A story of a dim ravine, 有座峡谷,幽深阴暗, O'er which the towering tree tops lean, 一株树,高高的树梢弯曲, With one blue rif of sky between; 天空,挤出一丝蓝色缝隙; And there, two thousand years ago, 两千多年前,那处峡谷, A little flower as white as snow, 开着朵小花,洁白妩媚, Swayed in the silence to and fro. 踏着内心脚步,曼妙起舞; Day after day, with longing eye, 年复一年, 摇曳着企盼, The floweret watched the narrow sky, 晶亮眼瞳,凝视狭仄天空, And fleecy clouds that floated by. 轻柔的云,悠然飘过头顶; And through the darkness, night by night, 流水的日子,黑暗无边, One gleaming star would climb the height, 有颗星星,从蓝色缝隙闪入, And cheer the lonely floweret's sight. 鼓掌欢呼,遗世独立的坚守; Thus, watching the blue heavens afar, 于是,遥远天穹, And the rising of its favorite star, 升起一颗,笑脸星辰, A slow change came—but not to mar; 哪怕改变微小,不会太糟; For softly o'er its petals white 花瓣上方,悄然升起 There crept a blueness, like the light of skies upon a summer night; 一抹亮丽,幽蓝夜空里,尽情伸展,夏季的深邃致意; And in its chalice, I am told, 小花,那捧白色圣杯, The bonny bell was formed to hold a tiny star that gleamed like gold. 一柄漂亮的花蕊,从容举起,金色铃铛,星光四溢的魅力; Now, little people, sweet and true, 可爱的孩子,关于真诚课程, I find a lesson here for you, 一场动容相逢,竟是风铃草 Writ in the floweret's hell of blue: 地狱里,写下的秘密; The patient child whose watchful eye, 学会坚忍,学会敏锐观察, Strives after all things pure and high, 仰望那些,纯洁高贵的魂灵, Shall take their image by and by. 耳濡目染,获取精神动力。 ************更多资料请访问听力课堂(www.tingclass.net)************