标题:美国语文第五册 第07期:温柔的手(02) 听力内容: "Who's that?" A rough voice asked the question; and now a heavy-looking man took the dog's place in the door. “你是谁?”一个粗厉声音响起,一位脸色阴沉的男人在狗的身后闪出。 "How far is it to G—?" I asked, not deeming it best to say, in the beginning, that I sought a resting place for the night. “请问,这里离G地还有多远?”我问道,乍开口,才觉得并不合适,那时的我不过想找个过夜的地方。 "To G—!" growled the man, but not so harshly as at first. "It's good six miles from here." “到G地去,”那男人大声地说,言语间却少了最初的苛厉,“从这到那还有不近的六英里路呢。” "A long distance; and I'm a stranger and on foot," said I. “路真够远的,我是步行来的,一个过路客,”我说, If you can make room for me until morning, I will be very thankful. 如果你们让我在这歇上一晚,我真是感激不尽。 I saw the girl's hand move quickly up his arm, until it rested on his shoulder, and now she leaned to him still closer. 我看见那姑娘的手迅速上移,最后搭在那男人肩膀上,现在她贴那男人更近了点。 Come in. We'll try what can be done for you. 进来吧,看看我们能给你帮上什么忙。 There was a change in the man's voice that made me wonder. 那男人语气的变化让我有点喜出望外。 I entered a large room, in which blazed a brisk fire. 我走进房间,房间很宽敞,火苗轻快地跳跃着。 Before the fire sat two stout lads, who turned upon me their heavy eyes, with no very welcome greeting. 火堆边坐着两位粗硕身材的人,满脸阴沉地打量着我,明显带着不快的神情。 A middle-aged woman was standing at a table, and two children were amusing themselves with a kitten on the floor. 一位中年妇女站在桌子旁边,两个孩子在地上逗着小猫玩。 "A stranger, mother," said the man who had given me so rude a greeting at the door; and he wants us to let him stay all night. “妈妈,这位过路客,”刚才在门口粗鲁地与我打招呼的那位男人说道,他想在这里过上一夜。 The woman looked at me doubtingly for a few moments, and then replied coldly, "We don't keep a public house." 那妇人狐疑地打量我片刻,冷淡地说,“我们这没有客房。” "I'm aware of that, ma'am," said I; "but night has overtaken me, and it's a long way yet to G—." “我,我知道,夫人,”我说,“不过,天太晚了,去G地路实在太远了。” "Too far for a tired man to go on foot," said the master of the house, kindly, “他走得太累了,前面的路那么远,”那好心的姑娘接着说, so it's no use talking about it, mother; we must give him a bed. 别说了,妈妈,我们得给他准备个睡觉的地方。 ************更多资料请访问听力课堂(www.tingclass.net)************