标题:美国语文第五册 第09期:温柔的手(04) 听力内容: "Dick!" said the farmer in a peremptory voice, giving the rein a quick jerk as he spoke. “狄克!”那农夫严厉地呵斥,一边猛地拉动缰绳, But Dick moved not a step. "Dick! you vagabond! get up." 狄克竟然没有挪步,“狄克!你这个懒鬼!快走呀。” And the farmer's whip cracked sharply by the pony's ear. 农夫鞭子在小马耳边尖锐地乍响。 It availed not, however, this second appeal. Dick stood firmly disobedient. 依然毫不奏效。接下来,农夫语气变得委婉甚至恳求,小马驹还是无动于衷。 Next the whip was brought down upon him with an impatient hand; but the pony only reared up a little. 然后,主人急躁的鞭子甩在了狄克身上,那马驹只是稍稍后退, Fast and sharp the strokes were next dealt to the number of half a dozen. 接着又来了六七下快速猛烈的鞭笞, The man might as well have beaten the wagon, for all his end was gained. 那农夫如果早知道他最终束手无策,还不如起先就鞭打那马车罢。 A stout lad now came out into the road, and, catching Dick by the bridle, jerked him forward, using, at the same time, the customary language on such occasions, 一位身材粗硕的妇人走过来,她抓住马笼头猛地往前拉,嘴里不停叨唠类似场合那些粗鄙的话, but Dick met this new ally with increased stubbornness, planting his fore feet more firmly and at a sharper angle with the ground. 但狄克愈发倔犟,死活不走,甚至还将它的前蹄翘起,死死地抵住地面。 The impatient boy now struck the pony on the side of the head with his clinched hand, and jerked cruelly at his bridle. 这会儿,那位不耐烦的男孩用钳子般手掌猛力撞击狄克头部,然后死命猛拽马的笼头, It availed nothing, however; Dick was not to be wrought upon by any such arguments. 毫不奏效,狄克不会在这样暴力下尥开蹄子。 "Don't do so, John!" I turned my head as the maiden's sweet voice reached my ear. “约翰,别这样!”我一转头,那位姑娘的温柔声音传了过来。 She was passing through the gate into the road, and in the next moment had taken hold of the lad and drawn him away from the animal. 她正迈过大门,来到路上。姑娘一把抓住那莽撞的家伙,将他从狄克身边甩开。 No strength was exerted in this; she took hold of his arm, and he obeyed her wish as readily as if he had no thought beyond her gratification. 她毫不费力地抓住了他的一只胳膊,他好像也相当乐意地与其配合,好像压根没有忤逆她的意思。 ************更多资料请访问听力课堂(www.tingclass.net)************