标题:职场英文口语 第64期:如何下订单(03) 听力内容: Yes, Anna,he is your client. 是的,安娜,他是你的客户。 I'm scared he'll try and ask about lunch again. 我怕他又要找我吃午饭。 Then send him an email. 那么就给他发邮件。 Good idea! 好主意! Copy in me, Tom and Paul, so it's clear you only mean business. 抄送给我,汤姆和保罗,这就能清楚地表明你只是公事公办了。 Yes. Thanks Denise! An email is much safer. 好的,谢谢丹尼斯!发邮件更保险一些。 Is it, Anna, is it? 是吗,安娜,真要这样? Hmmm...Anyway, here are the phrases Anna used to place her order. 总之,这些是安娜用于下订单的表达用法。 I'd like to place an order for... 我想要下……订单 We're going to need... 我们需要…… Could you send... 你能寄…… Could we also have... 我们还能…… When can we expect to receive them? 我们什么时候可以收到? Let's see if Anna's email is really such a good idea. 让我们看看安娜的邮件是不是真是一个好主意。 I have a bad feeling about it. Until next time! 我对此有一种不好的预感,下次见! ************更多资料请访问 听力课堂(www.tingclass.net)************