标题:职场英文口语 第70期:解释误会(03) 听力内容: The wind must have blown the note for Tom under my desk. 一定是风把留给汤姆的字条吹到我桌子底下的。 Tom left the window open overnight. 汤姆让窗户开了一晚上。 Our papers were blown all over the place. 我们的文件被吹得到处都是。 I see, well, golly gosh. In that case, well done, Anna! 我明白了,天啊。这样的话,干得好,安娜! Excellent work, even though you weren't meant to do it. 干得太好了,虽然本来不该你做的。 And Tom, your ideas are still welcome of course. Thanks. 汤姆,当然,你有想法的话我仍然欢迎,谢谢。 Sorry Tom. 抱歉,汤姆。 What? Oh, I'm not bothered. 什么?我不介意。 I've still got some great ideas in my head anyway. 我仍然有一些很好的点子。 Yeah, right! Let's leave Tom to get on with his 'great ideas' and listen again those phrases Anna used to explain the misunderstanding. 没错!让汤姆继续完成他那“很好的点子”吧,再听一遍安娜解释误会时用到的表达。 I think there's been a misunderstanding. 我认为有个误会。 There's been a bit of a mix up. 这里有一点混乱。 Let me explain what happened. 让我解释一下发生了什么。 Well, the mix up gave Anna a chance to shine – Paul certainly seemed impressed with her work. 这场混乱给了安娜一次展现自己的机会。保罗肯定对她的工作印象深刻。 Maybe it will bring her new opportunities. 也许这会给她带来新的机遇。 Until next time, bye! 下次见,再见! ************更多资料请访问 听力课堂(www.tingclass.net)************