标题:职场英文口语 第08期:如何准备面试(04) 听力内容: Hmm thanks…. oh lovely, custard creams… mmm. 谢谢,美味的蛋奶饼干。 Now Hannah, finally I wanted to ask you what exactly made you apply for this job at this company? 安娜,最后我想问你是什么让你申请这家公司的岗位的? Errrr… ooo… well. The reason I applied is…. 我申请的原因是…… Yes, yes, yes Anna? Do you need a bit more time to think? 是的,是的,是的,安娜?你需要一点时间思考? What's she going to say? 她要说什么? How would you answer that? 你会怎么回答? Join us next time to find out. 下期跟我们一起揭晓答案。 Before we go, here's a reminder of some of the great lines Anna's used today… 在我们离开之前,这里有一些关于今天安娜所说句子的提示。 A good example that comes to mind. 我想到了一个很好的例子。 I'm particularly proud of. 我特别自豪。 Timekeeping is important to me. 守时对我很重要。 Until next time, bye bye! 下次见,再见! ************更多资料请访问 听力课堂(www.tingclass.net)************