标题:职场英文口语 第74期:求人帮忙(01) 听力内容: Hello, welcome back to Tip Top Trading where everyone is gossiping about Paul's announcement. 你们好,欢迎回到Tip Top Trading,大家都在议论保罗的通知。 Anna is to lead the company's new stock management system for the new laser-curved fruit. 安娜将领导公司新型激光曲线水果的库存管理系统。 Yes Anna…the new girl…she's done really well although I don't know what experience she's got…. 是的,安娜,新来的那个女孩,她做得很好,尽管我不知道她有什么经验…… anyway, about the hairdresser you mentioned, oh I loved his aftershave… 总之你提到的那个美发师,我喜欢他修脸后的样子。 I can't understand it. I've got all the experience and all the ideas…she's just such a…Tom. Sorry to interrupt, 我搞不懂,我很有经验而且又有想法,她只是一个……汤姆,抱歉打扰了, I just wanted to check you're ok with me leading this strategy for stock management. 我只是想确认你对于我来领导库存管理计划没问题。 Oh of course. Yeah, you deserve it. 当然,这是你应得的。 That was a nice touch Anna. 说得不错,安娜。 But Tom, now you must help me. 但是汤姆,你必须得帮我。 Anna! That's not the best way to ask for help. 安娜,这不是求人帮忙的好态度。 Remember what I've always told you about politeness? 记得我一直告诉你得礼貌呢? Be polite – yes you keep telling me that. 礼貌点,是的,你一直这么告诉我。 And if you want someone to help you, ask them, don't tell them – even if it is Tom! 如果你想让人帮你,去请求他们,不是命令他们。即使是对待汤姆! Oh right. I'm in a bit of a panic. 好的,我有点慌了。 I've never done this before. I don't know where to begin. 我从来没做过这个,我不知道从何开始。 Well start by asking your colleagues for help like this: I would be most grateful if you could give me some help. 首先像这样请求你的同事帮忙:如果你能帮我,我会非常感激。 Please could I ask you for some advice? 我可以请你对我提些建议吗? I know you're busy but could you spare me a few minutes of your time please? 我知道你很忙,但是能占用你几分钟时间吗? ************更多资料请访问 听力课堂(www.tingclass.net)************