标题:职场英文口语 第76期:求人帮忙(03) 听力内容: Tom is looking for some his old work but… 汤姆正在帮我找一些他曾经做过的项目,但是…… Really? ! To be honest, this isn't Tom's speciality. 是吗?!不过说实话,那可不是汤姆的专长啊。 At a time like this I would ask Denise. 这种问题我一般都会问丹尼斯。 Denise! ? -Yes… she may only be the office assistant but she always has words of wisdom. 丹尼斯?-是啊……虽然她只是办公室助理,但有时候她说的话还挺有道理。 Right… custard creams or chocolate digestives? What? 对了……来点蛋奶巧克力或全麦饼干?什么? Biscuits? Oh… custard creams please. 点心?蛋奶饼干吧。 Err, Denise, I know you're busy but could you spare a few minutes of your time please? 丹尼斯,我知道你很忙,不过能打扰你几分钟时间吗? Of course Anna, always happy to help you. 好啊,安娜,需要帮忙随时找我好了,我很乐意。 Well you know the stock management control system? 你知道库存管理控制系统吗? The one you've now got to work out… well done for getting that! 你正在负责的那个嘛……恭喜你得到这个机会! Thanks. It was OK writing it down for Paul but how do I put it in to practice? 谢谢。让我给保罗写点建议是没问题,但是我该怎么把它们付诸实践呢? There's just too much to do! 有太多事情要做了! Calm down Anna. You'll be fine. 冷静,安娜。你没问题的。 The first thing you need to do is to look at our current system. 首先,你要做的第一件事情就是先去看看我们现有的管理系统。 Look at our current system. How do I do that? 看看我们现在的系统。我该怎么做? Easy! Just take the lift down to the warehouse and speak to Mr Ingle and then write down what you find 很容易啊!坐电梯下去到仓库,和英格尔先生聊聊然后写下你了解到的东西, and draw up an action plan of tasks you need to do – like a shopping list – I'm very good at those. 再写一份你需要执行的行动计划,就像写购物清单那样,这个我可是很在行。 Go and see Mr Ingle? Oh do I have to. 去找英格尔先生?天啊,我真的要去吗。 He's ok really Anna. 他人不错,安娜。 If you approach him in the right way he won't bite your head off! 只要你跟他谈话的方式没错,他是不会无故冲你发火的! ************更多资料请访问 听力课堂(www.tingclass.net)************