标题:职场英文口语 第84期:健康与安全(03) 听力内容: Do you mind not slurping Denise? 丹尼斯,可以不要咂着嘴喝茶吗? This is thirsty work. 我说这么多话很渴。 Now is everyone clear about what to do if there is a fire alarm? 现在大家都清楚听见火警后该怎么做了吧? It's usually a false alarm anyway. 一般都是假警报罢了。 That's not the point. Now Anna, what about smoking? 那个不是重点。安娜,关于吸烟呢? No smoking on company premises. But it wasn't me, it was Mr Ingle. 办公场所禁止吸烟。但那不是我,是英格尔先生。 Mr Ingle! 英格尔先生。 I see, so it was Mr Ingle smoking in the warehouse. You should have told me Anna. Sorry! 我知道了,所以是英格尔先生在库房吸烟。你应该早点告诉我,安娜。 对不起。 Right, I'm going to have to look into this. 好了,我会调查一下这件事的。 Back to work everyone… oh and take a biscuit with you. 大家可以回去工作了……拿点儿点心吧。 So Anna's let the cat out of the bag – Mr Ingle won't be pleased – but at least she now knows what do if a fire breaks out. 安娜把秘密说出来了——英格尔先生会不高兴的——但是至少现在她知道了火灾发生的时候自己该做什么了。 ************更多资料请访问 听力课堂(www.tingclass.net)************