标题:职场英文口语 第85期:健康与安全(04) 听力内容: Here are some of the phrases we've heard today, that can be used in an emergency. 下面是我们今天听到的一些句子,可以在紧急事件发生的时候用上它们。 If you see a fire, raise the alarm. 如果发生火灾,要拉响警报。 Walk calmly to your nearest fire exit. 保持冷静,走到离你最近的安全出口。 Meet at the fire assembly point. 到火险应急集合区集合。 No smoking on company premises. 办公场所禁止吸烟。 Sorry to interrupt Paul… but the fire alarm's going off! 抱歉打扰了,保罗……但是火警响了! Don't panic anyone. Everything will be OK. 大家不要惊慌。没事的。 Jane, I'll have to call you back… yes, a bit of a panic. Bye. 简,我一会儿打给你……是的,有点混乱。再见。 Quick, where's my red pen? 快,我的红笔呢? Uh oh. Those emergency phrases might come in useful sooner than you think. 没想到那些紧急事件发生时能用的句子这么快就派上用场了。 Is this going to be the end of Tip Top Trading, will it really go up in smoke? 这会是 Tip Top Trading 的末日吗,会一把火化为乌有吗? Find out next time. Bye. 让我们在下期节目见分晓,再见。 ************更多资料请访问 听力课堂(www.tingclass.net)************