标题:职场英文口语 第90期:预订酒店(01) 听力内容: Hello again. 又和大家见面啦。 Things haven't been going well at Tip Top Trading. Tip Top Trading公司今天看起来情况似乎不太妙啊。 There was a fire in the warehouse, caused by Mr Ingle's cigarette and now Mr Socrates – the big boss from America – has turned up unexpectedly. 库房发生了火灾,是英格尔先生吸烟引起的,而现在苏格拉底先生——美国的大老板突然出现了。 So honey, are you…? 亲爱的,你是……? Anna. I'm Anna, I work here as a sales executive. 安娜,我叫安娜。我是这的销售代表。 We haven't met before. 我们之前没见过。 We sure ain't. Looks like I've arrived just in the nick of time. 的确是。看来我来的不太是时候啊。 What's going on… oh, Mr Socrates! 怎么了……噢,是苏格拉底先生! Golly gosh, what an unexpected... 天啊,可真是意外的荣幸啊。 Unexpected alright. Looks like this company is in a mess. 意外是真的。看来我们公司一团糟啊。 Err yes. It was OK when I popped out for some biscuits… erm, would you like one? 不过我出去买饼干的时候还好好的呢。来一块吗? Biscuits? ! They're cookies man. 饼干?不就是曲奇饼吗。 Look, now what do I have to do to get a triple shot, organic, skinny cappuccino round here? 现在谁给我弄一杯有三份浓缩的有机低脂卡布奇诺来? I'll get you one Mr Socrates. 我去给您拿来,苏格拉底先生。 It's OK honey. I need you to book me a hotel room. 没事了,亲爱的,我需要你帮我订一间酒店。 You...what's your name again… Paul… can you fetch me one? 你……你的名字叫什么来着……保罗……你来帮我拿一杯来吧。 Right Anna. Booking a room for Mr Socrates. 好的,安娜。给苏格拉底先生定酒店。 This is something you can't get wrong. 有些事你可千万不能弄错。 Well I've never done it before. 可是我之前没做过这种事情。 I'm sure you'll be OK. 我相信你肯定行的。 When you book a room, here's what you could say. 订酒店的时候,你会用到下面这些句子。 Hello, I'd like to check availability and prices for a room please. 你好,我想查一下有没有空房间以及房间的价格。 Does the price include breakfast? 价格里面包括早餐吗? Are there any business facilities such as internet and wi fi? 里面有没有办公设施,比方说互联网或者无线网? ************更多资料请访问 听力课堂(www.tingclass.net)************