标题:职场英文口语 第116期:商业洽谈(01) 听力内容: Welcome back to Tip Top Trading where things aren't going too well. 欢迎回到Tip Top Trading,这里事情进展的不妙。 Anna negotiated a deal with a client in France but now they claim they've been ripped off! 安娜与法国客户协商了一份合同,但是现在他们称自己被剥削了! This has got to get sorted – quickly. 这件事要快点解决。 Oh Denise, what exactly did they say? 丹尼斯,他们具体说什么了? Something about them agreeing a price for 5,000 lemons and then being offered a better price by another company. 他们同意了5000个柠檬的价格,然而其他公司给的价格更好。 That'll be Tutti Fruity – they want our business. 那肯定是Tutti Fruity,他们想抢我们的生意。 Sounds like they're going to get it, unless you sort it out. 听起来他们要得手了,除非你能解决。 Maybe you should work out some new figures. 也许你应该计算出新的数目。 Figures? Is there something wrong with my figure – am I too fat? 身材?我的身材怎么了,我太胖了吗? No Anna! 不是的,安娜! Your numbers – work out a new price, see if you can squeeze the price of lemons – maybe you can price Tutti Fruity out of the market. 你的数目,算出新的价位,看看是否能从柠檬中削减出价格,也许你就能以价格把Tutti Fruity赶出市场了。 Hmm, somebody else has said that. 有人也这么说过。 Yes it was me Anna! 是的,是我,安娜! Do your calculations, see if you can offer a better deal and price Tutti Fruity out of the market. 算算吧,看看是否你能提供更好的协议,用价格把Tutti Fruity赶出市场。 OK.I could sell them cheaper but there would be less profit. 好吧。我可以卖的价格低点,但是利润就少了。 ************更多资料请访问 听力课堂(www.tingclass.net)************