标题:职场英文口语 第121期:订机票(02) 听力内容: I thought you'd be pleased to go with Tom, after your time in the stationery cupboard with him! 我想共同经历过文件柜的事情后,你会很高兴和汤姆一起去的。 I was just finding an envelope Denise. 丹尼斯,我只是在找信封。 Anyway, I'm worried about booking the flights online. 总之,我担心的是在网上订机票。 I usually book flights at a travel agent's. 我通常是在旅行中介那里订机票。 It's company policy now, we have to do everything online – even my food shopping – but don't tell Paul. 这是公司政策,我们在网上做一切事情,甚至包括我购买的食物,但别告诉保罗。 Oh right. So where shall I begin? 好的。那么我从何开始呢? Pull up a chair Anna and we'll log on. 拉过来一把椅子,安娜,我们先登录。 Right let's start with the British Airlines website. 好的,让我们从英国航空公司网开始。 There. London to Marseille. 这里,伦敦到马赛。 What is the outbound date? 出发日期是什么时候? Going out tomorrow, back tomorrow. 明天去,明天回。 Business class or Economy class? 商务舱还是经济舱? I think we'll say Economy. 我想是经济舱。 That's cheaper I guess. 我猜这个更便宜。 What's this mean? Flexible or fixed? 这是什么意思?弹性或固定? A flexible ticket means you can change your flight but a fixed one means you can't – and that's cheaper so we'll choose that one. 弹性机票的意思是你可以更改航班,但固定机票不能更改,这个更便宜,所以我们选这个。 I'll book you on the 8am flight from Heathrow and flying home at 6pm. 我给你定了早上8点希思罗机场的票,回来的时间是下午6点。 I just need to type in your full names now and select your seats. 我只需现在输入你的全名,选好你的座位。 ************更多资料请访问 听力课堂(www.tingclass.net)************