标题:职场英文口语 第126期:达成交易(03) 听力内容: What she means is our Imperial Lemons are made with our unique laser curve technology. 她的意思是我们的皇家柠檬是由我们公司特殊的激光曲线技术制成的。 They are hard wearing and a joy to have on display in any shop window or restaurant. 它们很耐用而且我们很乐意把它们摆放在商店橱窗或酒店里。 Tom, that's amazing! 汤姆,说得太好了! I read it on the back of the box! 我在箱子后面读到的! So, we really feel that we have a product that you'll be proud to display. 所以我们认为你们会很满意展出我们的产品的。 And to get this fantastic price you just need to place an order of 10,000. 你只需订购一万个就能得到这么好的价位。 And we can even throw in a free sample of our new Perfect Peach range. 我们还可以赠送一些新型的“完美桃子”系列。 Each lemon comes with a satisfaction guarantee. 每个柠檬都有令人满意的质量保证。 I know you won't be disappointed. 你不会失望的。 It sounds good. 听起来不错。 OK, I think you have a deal. 好,我们成交了。 Good work Anna. 干得好,安娜。 Don't forget to ask him to sign the contract and tell him when he can expect the order to be delivered. 别忘了让他签合同,并告诉他什么时候可以收到货。 OK.I would be grateful if you could just sign the contract. 好的。如果您能签了合同,我会很感激。 We'll get the lemons to you as quickly as we can. 我们会尽可能快的把柠檬送来。 Tom, do you have a pen? 汤姆,你有笔吗? Erm, no actually. 没有。 It was in my bag yesterday but it's gone… it was a nice, a good one too. 昨天还在包里,但是丢了……是一根很好的笔。 No problem. I have a pen. 别担心,我有笔。 ************更多资料请访问 听力课堂(www.tingclass.net)************