标题:职场英文口语 第142期:良好的客户关系(02) 听力内容: Oh not again! 不,不是又来了吧! You two just can't leave each other alone… 你们俩真是难舍难分…… Bbbut it was just… 但只是…… Say no more Anna. 不用多说了,安娜。 Now, I was looking for my special red pen, have you seen it anywhere? 我在找我的专用红笔,你们看见了吗? No. Funny that, my pens have gone missing too. 不,奇怪的是我的笔也丢了。 I'll go and get some more. 我去再拿点。 Now Anna, I don't want to interfere but have you called that company in France to see how they are? 安娜,我不想干涉你,但你有没有给法国的公司打电话问问怎么样? Well, they're fine aren't they? 他们应该没问题吧? It's good customer service to call them and see how they are. 给他们打电话询问体现了良好的客户服务。 But what do I say? 但我要说什么? Tell you what. 我来告诉你。 I'll go over there and you can call me and practise. 我去那边,然后你给我打电话练习一下。 Right. 好的。 OK Tom, I'm calling your number now. 好的,汤姆,我给你打电话了。 Hello – Fruit Traders International. 你好,这里是Fruit Traders International。 Yes, hello… 你好。 …introduce yourself and ask me how I am. 介绍你自己然后问问我怎么样。 Oh right. 没错。 Hello I'm Anna from Tip Top Trading. 你好,我是Tip Top Trading的安娜。 How are you today? 今天过得怎么样? I'm very well. 我很好。 Now ask me about the order. 问问我订单的事。 ************更多资料请访问 听力课堂(www.tingclass.net)************