标题:职场英文口语 第145期:员工纪律(01) 听力内容: Hello and welcome back to Tip Top Trading. 你们好,欢迎回到Tip Top Trading。 New recruit Rachel has been making life difficult for Anna; she's been making some bad business decisions. 新成员瑞秋让安娜的工作难上加难,她做了一些差劲的商业决定。 Let's find out how Anna can save the day. 让我们看看安娜如何转危为安。 Right, we've definitely got to do something about Rachel… definitely… only, I'm a bit busy at the moment. 好,我们肯定要对瑞秋采取措施了,肯定的,只是我现在有点忙。 Sorting out your dinner date are you Tom? ! 处理你的晚餐约会吗,汤姆? So Anna, have you spoken to Paul about this? 安娜,你跟保罗谈过吗? Yes I have, but he didn't do anything. 是的,我说了,但是他什么也没做。 Hmm, well he is your boss so I think you've got to speak to him again. 他是你的老板,我想你应该再跟他说一说。 Take him some biscuits, that might get his attention. 给他带点饼干,这会引起他的注意的。 Well, I'll try 我会试试的。 Oh and keep notes so you have a record of your conversation. 做好笔记,这样你就有谈话记录了。 Denise, you're amazing. 丹尼斯,你太好了。 But where have the pens gone to? 但是笔都去哪了? ************更多资料请访问 听力课堂(www.tingclass.net)************