标题:职场英文口语 第147期:员工纪律(03) 听力内容: Plus, have you seen the way she dresses? 而且你注意到她的着装了吗? I'm not happy and I think you've got to take some action. 我不满意,我觉得你应该采取行动。 Anna, you're on fire! 安娜,你的火气太大了! But stick to the facts, don't get personal about Rachel. 但要就事论事,不要针对瑞秋个人。 Well I'm sure Mr Socrates would disagree with you. 我肯定苏格拉底先生不同意你的看法。 Look, if she is as bad as you say then I'll give you my permission to discipline her – give her a warning. 如果她像你说的那么差劲,我同意由你来管束她,给她警告。 What! Me? 什么!我? You know what's she done wrong so tell her not to do it again… 你知道她做错了什么,所以告诉她别再犯了, and besides, I've got an important meeting to go to… and they usually have those delicious shortbread biscuits. 另外我有一个重要的会议,他们通常会有美味的酥饼。 So …I'll leave it with you then? 所以你来解决吧。 What a useless boss! 多么没用的老板! Anna are you happy about what to do next? 安娜,你对接下来要怎么做感到满意了吗? Not really. 不满意。 What am I going to say? 我该说些什么呢? It's not easy but keep calm and professional 这可不简单,但保持镇定,拿出专业态度 and say to Rachel, "you've made some serious mistakes" and "you need to consult me before you contact any of our clients." 来告诫瑞秋:“你犯了严重的错误”,“在你联系任何客户之前,你应该询问我。” Give her a verbal warning saying "These mistakes cannot happen again, otherwise I will have to refer the matter to someone higher." 给她口头警告“这些错误不能再犯了,否则我会把此事递交给上级。” ************更多资料请访问 听力课堂(www.tingclass.net)************