标题:职场英文口语 第15期:提建议可以很容易(04) 听力内容: Ah - Stop right there! I'm sure everybody would like to know if Anna's got the job 停在这里!我肯定大家都想知道安娜是否得了到这份工作, but everybody's going to have to wait until we've heard her helpful phrases once again. 但是我们要等一等,再来听听那些对她有帮助的表达。 Can I make a suggestion? 我能提个建议吗? Why don't you try looking in your recycle bin? 为什么你不看看你的回收站? Have you tried asking your colleagues if they've seen the memory stick? 你有没有问过你的同事看见U盘了吗? How about...? ……怎么样? Maybe I could do a big office search for you...? 也许我可以在办公室给你找找? How about looking through your rubbish bin...? 翻翻你的垃圾桶怎么样? I have an idea! 我有一个主意! Anna, we need someone who can think on her feet and who is a first-rate people person. 安娜,我们需要的是思想敏捷的人,并且十分善于和人打交道。 Someone who sees solutions, not problems...someone like you! 可以看到解决办法,而不是问题的人,像你这样的人! So if you want the job, it's yours! 所以如果你想要这份工作的话,那么它是你的了! Ah, now think carefully Anna – do you really want to work for these people? 现在仔细想想吧,安娜。你真的愿意和这些人一起工作吗? They seem a bit...disorganised. 他们似乎有点没有条理。 I would definitely like the job! Thank you! 我当然想要这份工作,谢谢! So be it. Join us again next week for Anna's first day as a sales executive at Tip Top Trading. 就这样吧。下周和我们一起看看安娜在Tip Top Trading第一天当销售主管的工作经历。 ************更多资料请访问 听力课堂(www.tingclass.net)************