标题:职场英文口语 第150期:工作评估(01) 听力内容: Could I have a word Anna, in my office? 安娜,我们来办公室谈谈好吗? Hello again. I wonder what Paul wants to say to Anna? 又见面了。我想知道保罗会和安娜说什么? Could it have something to do with Rachel, the pen thief - or is it just to do with biscuits? !Let's find out. 是和瑞秋这个偷笔贼有关吗,还是和饼干有关?让我们去看看。 Have a seat… so well done for speaking to her. 请坐……关于你跟她谈话这事上干得好。 Stealing all those pens from the office was the final straw. 从办公室偷走所有的笔已经是忍无可忍了。 She was stealing straws? 她偷稻草? No, no. It was the final thing that she did wrong – and it meant disciplinary action. 不,这是她做错的最后一件事了,应该受到纪律处罚。 I've had to 'let her go' – in other words, sack her. 我不得不让她走了,换句话说就是解雇她。 Oh, so she's gone. 所以她走了。 But what is Mr Socrates going to say? 但苏格拉底先生会说什么呢? She was his best employee. 她是他的最佳员工。 Leave it with me. 交给我吧。 I'm sure he'll understand…I hope. 我肯定他会理解的……我希望是。 Now, I wanted to speak to you about your appraisal. 现在我想谈谈关于你的评估。 My appraisal? 你的评估? Yes, we do it every year. 是的,我们每年都会这么做。 It's a chance to talk about you, talk about the highs and lows of the past year and look forward. 这是一次谈论你自己过去一年中的优缺点并且来年发展的机会。 Highs and lows? 高低点? ************更多资料请访问 听力课堂(www.tingclass.net)************