标题:职场英文口语 第154期:工作评估(05) 听力内容: Here's a reminder of the kind of questions your manager may ask you: What has gone well for you this year? 这些是你会被经理问到的问题:你今年表现好的事情是什么? Give me some examples. 给我举一些例子。 What didn't go so well? 有哪些不足? What should you do more of? 你应该改进什么? Let's look ahead and set some objectives. 让我们向前看,制定目标。 So if you could write up your appraisal and have it back to me by Friday? 如果你能写完评估,可以周五前给我吗? Of course Paul. 当然了,保罗。 Thanks. See you later. 谢谢,再见。 Oh hi Anna. Are you still on for dinner on Friday? 嗨,安娜。周五还可以去吃晚饭吗? Yes Tom! 当然,汤姆! What's going on? 怎么了? A mouse… a mouse!I've just seen a mouse running out of the stationery cupboard. 一只老鼠,一只老鼠!我刚看到文具柜里有一只老鼠。 Was he stealing the pens? ! 它在偷笔吗? It's no joke. Quick…there he goes! 没开玩笑。快点,它要跑了! Leave him to me! 我来处理! Tom… Tom? Are you ok? 汤姆,汤姆?你没事吧? Uh oh! What's happened to Tom? 汤姆怎么了? Has he broken something? 他打破什么了吗? Join us next time to find out. Bye! 下次再会,再见! ************更多资料请访问 听力课堂(www.tingclass.net)************