标题:职场英文口语 第158期:健康安全(04) 听力内容: Yeah, I suppose so… but I was only trying to catch that mouse. 我想是的,但我只是想捉住老鼠。 I know, very heroic. 我懂,很英勇。 I'm starting to see what Anna sees in you, you know. 我开始以安娜看你的眼光看你了。 Oh no, Anna, our dinner date! 哦不,安娜,我们的晚餐约会! So, it's been an eventful day in the office. 真是办公室里多事的一天。 Anna has done the proper thing by completing an accident report form. 安娜完成了意外报告表,做了正确的处理。 If you have to report an accident at work, here are some of the questions you might be asked. 如果你要在工作中报告一起意外,这些是你会被问到的问题。 How did the accident happen? 意外如何发生的? What was the cause of the accident? 意外的起因是什么? Were there any injuries? 有人受伤吗? And: How could the accident have been avoided? 如何避免意外的发生? ************更多资料请访问 听力课堂(www.tingclass.net)************