标题:职场英文口语 第205期:如何解雇人(04) 听力内容: Yes, if someone says 'they are facing redundancy', it's another way of saying they are losing their job. 是的,如果有人说面临裁员,其实就是丢掉工作的意思。 I think Denise needs a shoulder to cry on.Yes. Denise, do you want my shoulder to cry on?Oh thanks. 我想丹尼斯需要借个肩膀哭。是的。丹尼斯,你要借我肩膀哭一场吗?谢谢。 Urgh! Erm… Denise, I've just made some tea would you like a cup? 丹尼斯,我刚刚沏了点茶,要来一杯吗? Oh yes please.Here you go.You know Denise, you've got to think positively. 好的,拜托了。给你。丹尼斯,你应该往好的方面想。 You'll get another job… and let's face it you didn't like working here anyway… you always looked so miserable. 你会找到其他工作的。再说,你也不喜欢在这里工作。你总是看起来很痛苦。 I don't think Tom's attempts to cheer Denise up are going to work!Losing your job can be a traumatic experience. 我想汤姆鼓励丹尼斯的努力不会起作用!失去工作可能是痛苦的经历。 It can come as a surprise and a shock.Let's hear the phrases Paul used to break the news to Denise. 这也可能给你带来惊喜。一起听听保罗解雇丹尼斯时用到的词语吧。 We've got to move the furniture around.I'm afraid I've got to let you go.I'm giving you seven days' notice. 我们打算重组公司。恐怕不得不解雇你。现在是提前七天通知。 ************更多资料请访问 听力课堂(www.tingclass.net)************