标题:职场英文口语 第218期:忙碌时接听电话(03) 听力内容: Thanks for your patience, when is a good time to call you back? 谢谢您的耐心等待,请问您什么时候方便接电话? … OK… 3 o'clock… I'll call you then. Goodbye. 好的,3点。一会给您打电话。拜拜。 Sounds important.Possibly.Oh not again! 听起来挺重要的。可能吧。不是吧,又来了! Hello, Tip Top Trading, Anna speaking… 你好,我是Tip Top Trading公司的Anna。 I see… Well he doesn't seem to be here at the moment… can I take a message and I'll get him to call you back? 我明白。他现在不在公司,我能帮您带个口信,稍后让他给您回电话吗? Tom, I need your other hand to write on… keep still. 汤姆,把另一只手给我,我要写字。别动。 OK, what's the message?… Yes, call Bob about the lemons on 8-0-9-5-2-4. 好的,要留什么消息?好,给鲍勃打电话,说柠檬的事。809524 OK, I'll pass that on. Thanks. Bye. 好的,我会帮您转达的,好,再见。 Goodness. It's been crazy here since Denise left. 上帝。自从丹尼斯离开后,公司都要疯了。 Look we've even run out of teabags. 看,我们连袋泡茶都没了。 I'll go and get some, shall I?Hold on Tom. 我去取点吧,好吗?等下,汤姆。 Has that invoice for Tutti Fruity been sent out yet?I dunno. 水果密饯公司的发票送了吗?我不知道。 Denise usually sends out the paperwork. 通常都是丹尼斯发送文件。 I wish Denise was here!So do we all! 我真希望丹尼斯在这儿!我们也希望! It sounds like chaos in the office but however hectic things can get, remember to remain professional when answering the phone. 感觉办公室里一片混乱,但不管有多忙,记得接电话时一定要保持专业。 ************更多资料请访问 听力课堂(www.tingclass.net)************