标题:职场英文口语 第23期:礼貌的请求(04) 听力内容: Would you mind writing your email later? 你介意等会儿再写你的邮件吗? The printer seems to be working well, but how well are Anna and Denise working together? 打印机似乎可以正常工作了,但是安娜和丹尼斯在一起工作会顺利吗? Are these two going to be enemies? 他们会成为敌人吗? Really! 'Denise do this! Denise do that!' 真是的!“丹尼斯做这个,丹尼斯做那个!” I'm telling you Sharon, I've almost had enough! 我跟你说,莎伦,我快受够了! I get treated like some kind of servant! 他们待我就像我是仆人一样! ************更多资料请访问 听力课堂(www.tingclass.net)************