标题:职场英文口语 第258期:工作机会(04) 听力内容: Anna, I'd like to ask you something… err… will you… will you marry me? 安娜,我想问你,那个,你愿意嫁给我吗? What? !Crikey, what a dilemma. 什么?天哪,这是什么窘境! Now Anna's got two important questions to answer. 安娜现在要回答两个重要问题了。 Will she take the job as Tip Top Trading's newest and youngest manager?And will she marry Tom? 她会接受工作,成为Tip Top Trading的最新最年轻经理吗?她会嫁给汤姆吗? Here's a reminder of what Mr Socrates had to say about her. 下面一起回顾下苏格拉底先生对她说的话。 This promotion recognises your achievements at the company. 此次晋升是对你在公司成就的认可。 It's an opportunity of a lifetime.You would be my right-hand man. 这是千载难逢的机会。你将成为我的得力助手。 And if Anna accepts the job, here's what she could say. 如果安娜接受工作,她可以这么说。 I'd be delighted to accept. Thank you.When would I start? 我很高兴接受此工作,谢谢。我什么时候开始上班? Could we discuss the terms and conditions of the new job? 我们可以讨论下新工作的任期及条件吗? Let's find out what Anna has to say.Oh Tom, I don't know what to say.It's come as a bit of a shock. 一起看看安娜的回答吧。汤姆,我不知道说什么。简直太突然了。 ************更多资料请访问 听力课堂(www.tingclass.net)************