标题:职场英文口语 第25期:如何给予帮助(02) 听力内容: Let me help. 我来帮你。 Thanks Anna, but these are big, big clients. 谢谢安娜,但这些都是极其重要的客户。 They need someone of experience. 他们需要有经验的人。 Well, give me a shout if you need anything! 需要我的时候叫我! I can handle this, alright? 我能处理这些,好吗? 'I can handle this'...ungrateful idiot. 我能处理这些……不知感恩的白痴。 But you used all the right phrases Anna, well done. 但是安娜,你用的都是正确的表达,干得好。 Anyway, I bet he'll change his mind. 不过,我打赌他会改主意。 Oooh, I know, and the purple ones are so much more powerful... 我知道,紫色的那个太可怕了…… Anna? Could you help me? 安娜,你能帮我吗? I told you so! 我跟你说过吧! They've both arrived at once! Oh God! 他们一起来了!上帝! I'll deal with Mrs Kumquat... Okay. 我来处理Kumquat女士…… 好的。 You talk to Mr Lime, he's from a company called Citrus Ventures. 你来跟Lime先生谈,他来自Citrus Ventures公司。 They own hundreds of juice bars. 他们有数百个果汁吧。 Are you sure that's a good idea Tom? 你确定这是一个好主意吗,汤姆? I don't have much choice, do I? 我没有太多的选择,不是吗? Well I could... Just keep him occupied Anna, tell him how great he is...no, no, tell him how great I am. 我可以…… 安娜,拖住他,告诉他,他有多棒……不,告诉他我有多棒。 Find out what he wants. 看看他到底要什么。 ************更多资料请访问 听力课堂(www.tingclass.net)************