标题:美国语文第二册 第08期:猫和老鼠 听力内容: LESSON 9 第9课 teeth 牙齿 fro 来回 used 过去的 KITTY AND MOUSIE 猫和老鼠 Once there was a little kitty, 从前有只猫, White as the snow; 浑身白如雪。 In a barn he used to frolic, 常在谷仓玩, Long time ago. 那是很久前。 In the barn a little mousie 谷仓有只鼠, Ran to and fro; 仓皇向后逃。 For she heard the little kitty, 听到小猫声, Long time ago. 那是很久前。 Two black eyes had little kitty, 小猫黑双眼, Black as a crow; 黑亮似乌鸦。 And they spied the little mousie, 探寻小老鼠, Long time ago. 那是很久前。 Four soft paws had little kitty, 小猫四轻爪, Paws soft as snow; 软得似雪柔。 And they caught the little mousie, 抓住小老鼠, Long time ago. 那是很久前。 Nine pearl teeth had little kitty, 九颗珍珠牙, All in a row; 整齐排一行。 And they bit the little mousie, 咬住小老鼠, Long time ago. 那是很久前。 When the teeth bit little mousie, 牙齿咬住鼠, Mousie cried out "Oh!" 老鼠哎呦叫  But she slipped away from kitty, 挣脱快溜走  Long time ago. 那是很久前。 ************更多资料请访问听力课堂(www.tingclass.net)************