标题:美国语文第二册 第20期:蜜蜂之歌 听力内容: LESSON 22 第22课 blossoms 开花 dreary 沉闷的 weary 厌倦 pinks 粉红色 smelling 闻 toiling 劳作 levies 征税 buzz 蜂鸣器 fragrant 香 thistle 蓟 weeds 杂草 scent 香味 treasure 珍宝 yellow 黄色 meadow 草地 tax 税 summer 夏天 clover 苜蓿 cloudy 多云 daisy 雏菊 daffodillies 水仙花 columbine 鸽的 humming 低唱 THE SONG OF THE BEE 蜜蜂之歌 Buzz! buzz! buzz! 嗡嗡嗡! This is the song of the bee. 这是蜜蜂之歌。 His legs are of yellow; 他的腿呈黄色。 A jolly, good fellow, 它不仅是快乐的好伙伴, And yet a great worker is he. 更是伟大的劳动者。 In days that are sunny 在阳光明媚的日子里, He's getting his honey; 它采酿花蜜。 In days that are cloudy 在乌云密布的日子里, He's making his wax: 它制作蜂蜡。 On pinks and on lilies, 在石竹和百合上, And gay daffodillies, 在快乐的水仙花上 And columbine blossoms, 在耧斗菜花上, He levies a tax! 它采花酿蜜。 Buzz! buzz! buzz! 嗡嗡嗡! The sweet-smelling clover, 芳香的苜蓿草, He, humming, hangs over; 它嗡嗡地挂在上面。 The scent of the roses 玫瑰的味道, Makes fragrant his wings: 令它的翅膀芳香, He never gets lazy; 它从不偷懒。 From thistle and daisy, 从蓟到菊, And weeds of the meadow, 再到牧场的野草, Some treasure he brings. 它带来了无数珍宝。 Buzz! buzz! buzz! 嗡嗡嗡! From morning's first light 从早上第一缕阳光出现, Till the coming of night, 直至夜晚来临, He's singing and toiling 整个夏日, The summer day through. 它一直在歌唱和劳动。 Oh! we may get weary, 噢,我们会感到疲倦, And think work is dreary; 觉得劳动很沉闷。 Tis harder by far To have nothing to do. 但沉闷比无事可做更可怕。 (Marian Douglas) (玛利亚·道格拉斯) ************更多资料请访问听力课堂(www.tingclass.net)************