标题:BBC纪录片《大麻 罪恶之种》 第22期:医用大麻被多用途使用 听力内容: What are some of the complaints people come in with? 他们大多有哪方面的问题呢? The common complaints are either Chronic Pain Syndrome of some sort, and that can be a specific back or hip injury. 他们大多被慢性疼痛症候群所困扰,具体来讲可以说是背部和腰部的损伤。 Anxiety's a very common one, depression, insomnia. 焦虑也很常见,还有抑郁 、失眠。 What proportion would you say come in with the common mental health disorders, anxiety and depression? 一般来说,来就诊的患者中,有精神问题的如焦虑和抑郁占有多大的比例? Probably anxiety, depression represent about half the patients. 大概占到了一半。 As many as that? 这么多啊? Yeah. 没错。 Couldn't that make their problems worse? 服用大麻不会使症状更严重吗? If somebody has mild daily anxiety, they're just trying to feel 25% better. 如果一个人有轻微的焦虑,他们想有25%幅度的改善。 Is it reasonable for them to try using a little plant extract? 那让他们使用一点植物提取液,这不合理吗? if you look at it that way, it's kind of hard to argue against. 如果你这样看的话,就很难说不合理了。 It's just it's been built up as being such a scary, scary thing. 只是它总被认为是非常非常可怕的东西。 And it just isn't. 事实是它并不是。 What if I walked into your practice on a Monday morning. 如果我礼拜一早上来到你的诊所。 And I sat down and I said, "Dr. Frankel, my mood's good, I don't have any pain. 然后坐下来说“富兰克尔医生,我心情很好,我也没有病痛。 But you know what, I just can't seem get over writer's block. 但我一点写作的灵感都没有。 I'm sitting at my PC and I'm just not getting it, and I've been stuck for a week. 我坐在电脑面前,一片茫然。我这样都快一个星期了。 Can you give me anything for my creativity?" 你能不能给我点东西,激发我的创造力?” I know that people would disagree with it, with me for saying this. 我知道人们未必会同意我的意见。 But to me that's a reasonable, I think, human right, to try and improve your situation by doing constructive things under a professional's care. 但我认为这是合理的,他有权利改善自己的状况和做一些建设性的东西,也有权得到专家的照顾。 And could that include cannabis? 这包含大麻吗? Yes. In my opinion. 是的,我认为是。 Would it be fair for me to think that... 不知道我这样想是否合理... It doesn't really matter what people come in with, 就是无论是谁, if they're the right age, they've got general pain or psychological problems. 如果他们在合理年龄,并且遭受病痛,或者有心理问题。 The answer from Dr. Frankel's point of view is cannabis. 若他们来就诊,弗兰克尔医生就会给他们开大麻。 Yes, I mean, if I were a cardiologist and patients were coming into me, they'd leave with cardiology medications. 是的,如果我是心脏病医生病人来找我,他们就会得到心脏病的药。 If I'm a cannabiologist and they're coming to me cos they've tried so many other things and they've failed, 而我是个大麻药学家,病人来找我,是因为他们试过很多的药物但都不起作用, the likelihood is they'll leave with a cannabis recommendation. 那么他们就很可能得到一张使用大麻的推荐书。 ************更多资料请访问听力课堂(www.tingclass.net)************